Book Yoga Carterton
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Yoga Classes CartertonOxfordshire 




Flourish & Flow Fri 09:30 - 10:30am With Lizzie

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Give your body the movement you need to live the way you want.


Our community makes us special and it’s what will keep you going.


Strengthen your intuition, quieten your mind, grow emotionally & spiritually.

Feeling good in your body & mind can be fun!


Perhaps you struggle to prioritise yourself and find time to include exercise & mindfulness in your life. 

However, you cannot pour from an empty cup . . .

Yoga holds the key to a more mindful, energetic & happier life, within a community of like-minded people who lift you up.


Are you ready to take the first step?

Location, Times & Prices

When women truly know, love & care for themselves, their happiness ripples into their relationships & the wider world.

Flourish & Flow Yoga is more than just a yoga class . . .


  • Prevent Injury, ease aches & pains, feel comfortable & stronger in your body
  • Rest & switch off your busy mind, feel calmer, less stressed & reactive
  • Be present & happy right now rather than projecting your happiness into the future 
  • Feel a sense of belonging & community with likeminded people



Get support, feel confident & motivated to truly care for yourself.

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Time, Location, Prices





Book A Single Class

1. Book

Choose a date & time to suit you.

2. Confirm

Receive all the details via email.

3. Attend

Come & flow with us!



Book Using A Class Pass

1. Choose

Purchase a 5 or 10 class pass & receive your unique code.

2. Book

Choose class date & time, input your unique code at checkout to apply your pass

3. Attend

Receive all the details via email & come flow with us!

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This fun, friendly class is for you if . . .


  • You've realised you will be a happier & more present person if you set aside some time to care for yourself.


  • The philosophy and teachings of yoga sound interesting to you and you're wondering how they impact your modern life.


  • You'd like to learn some simple techniques to help you de-stress, sleep better and manage anxiety.


  • You'd like to be supported by a community of like minded people who recognise the value of caring for themselves and others.
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Hi! I'm Lizzie,


After years of leaving my wellbeing off the to do list, I began experiencing depression, anxiety & panic attacks.

I tried yoga, hoping for relief from life & myself!

Yoga changed my life, I became calmer & more patient, released negative patterns, felt confident to lay down boundaries (a big deal for a people pleaser!) & had more compassion for myself.  

I trained in yoga for women’s health & began honouring my unique feminine needs. Embracing yoga and cyclical living as a lifestyle  nourishes me & has helped me create more love, understanding, & respect for myself.

I’m inviting you to care for yourself first, feel supported by our community & emerge replenished & radiant.



Come & join our tribe!  

Love Lizzie XX


Read Lizzie's Full Story

Is your wellbeing always at the bottom of your to do list? . . .


If you're looking at this class thinking, that sounds amazing but I'm just so busy, I totally understand but the truth is that when you care for yourself first you will feel fulfilled & energised, able to give to the things & people you love from a nourished place. Everyone benefits not just you!

Now is the time to care for yourself first, feel supported by our community & emerge replenished.


Come & Meet Your Inner Yogi Goddess!

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Everyone Loves a Freebie!

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Try your first class completely free just use the code FREELOCAL at checkout!

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Cyclical Sisters

Every week receive a free meditation, breathwork or yoga flow class & journal prompts to your inbox, so you can live a happier, healthier life in tune with nature & your body.

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Online Taster Class

Want to try but worried it won't be for you? I hear you! Try before you buy!

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Come Join Our Tribe!






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